Ice9's Blog

This blog features cool shit: video games, reviews, music, models, web design tools and tutorials, funny video, emulation, p2p news, torrents, roms, cracks, keygens, and I hope that is enough keywords.. Anyway just look through the archive upate this site often... later

Monday, May 7, 2007

Transformers Movie release 07/04/07

The Transformers movie will be out 07/04/07. After I looked at this image of the new Megatron I couldn't help but feel disappointed. After all I had the toys, sheets, and the movies when I was a kid. This looks nothing like Megatron from the cartoon. That thing should be in another movie. Plus it turns into a alien jet instead of a gun. Now why couldn't they just had him transform into some kick ass gun still. They don't have this image on their site. Probably so people won't get pissed until they actually see the movie.

Another problem is that instead of using some of the many thousands of transformers that people already love, they made a bunch of new ones. What the hell, why do they always do that? Is it so they can sell new toys? What would be wrong with having a bunch of the old school transformers and some new kick ass ones? The way it is now, they should of just made a movie about robots and not called it the Transformers.

I think most kids will love the movie and it's really for them. However what would be wrong with staying true to the toy's and cartoon. That way old school fans are happy. It would be great to tell your kid " I use to have Megatron when I was a kid, I even had the sheets too" and you kid would be really impressed. Now you have to tell your kid " What in the fuck did they do to Megatron...fucking idiots. Those assholes fucked this movie up".

Well I just hope there is allot of fighting in the movie. It doesn't really matter. I'll download it from . So I really can't bitch about something I don't plan on paying for. lol

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